This is the official Registry Website of the .EMERCK top level domain name. Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany is the ICANN approved registry operator of the .EMERCK Top level domain (link to registry agreement at ICANN).
The .EMERCK TLD is intended to serve as a dedicated space for the sole use of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany for its online activities. Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany will use this new TLD to provide information about its unique activities and its colorful, extensive corporate history, as well as to communicate with its internal divisions, external business partners, shareholders, customers and all further stakeholders.
The .EMERCK Top level domain follows a single-registrant model, wherein all registrations within the space are held by Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany
Registration Policy (
Abuse Contact
Dr. Torsten Bettinger, Attorney at Law
Bettinger Scheffelt Müller
Bavariaring 14
D-80336 Munich
Launch / Go Live: 02.02.2015
WHOIS Search
Following the launch of the .EMERCK top-level domain, all interested parties can request information about registered .EMERCK domains to find out if a domain is available for registration or who is the holder of a registered domain by using a WHOIS query.